The waiting room in Lille painted a picture of a group that has developed into a close team over the course of the week, with each individual bringing value to the collective & no one threatening to jeopardise that. That is indeed a rarity in today's sporting world but incredible remarkable given that the youngest members of the group were aged 15 - they have all demonstrated a maturity that some older athletes could look to & learn from. I for one am proud to have been a part of this team.
On a personal level, the work that Dr Chris Tomlinson & Vicki Annis contributed to the team from a medical perspective made my job extremely straight forward & enabled a schedule to operate that gave each some down time but ensured that first class cover & support was provided at all venues at all times. On the rare occasions the medical team was presented with challenges, each one was met with calm, efficient action & resolved with quiet haste & satisfactory outcome. Thanks guys, it has been a pleasure to work with you.

It is no coincidence that the team dynamics I witnessed were part & parcel of a trip that was managed so efficiently by Team Leader Jo Jennings along with her support team of Jenny Close & Pauline Holmes - seriously unflappable, totally dedicated & a relaxed but demanding approach to addressing every last detail. The team coaches of Rob Denmark, Femi Akinsanye, Lorraine & Jonas Tawiah Dodoo supported the athletes in achieving the high standards they have been training towards & ensured that they learnt from the experience in liaison with the personal coaches that made the trip. A great team for sure & I look forward to working with them all again in the future.
However, I know the question that you really want answered! Just who is Will Ponissi? Well, here he is...& thanks for your help over the last few days mate.